Friday, September 12, 2014


Gratitude. It's hard to feel so sad when I remember how big the world and the universe are. I will try to think bigger thoughts...

1. Grateful for a rewarding and challenging career with fabulous clients and coworkers (and travel perks)

2. Grateful for a generally positive outlook and knowing that it is statistically unlikely that I will actually keel over from heartbreak. 

3. Grateful to have experienced deep and meaningful and completely transformative love in my life, even if it was fleeting. Some people live their whole lives without getting to love like that, and I will not regret a day of it. 

I will work on my grace, my gratitude and acting while in dis-ease, in a fashion I will respect later. As much as I can too, I will love and forgive myself and try to be empathetic to this general malaise and yuckyness that is here right now. 

I will try my best. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Rekindling gratitude.

Been in a less sunshiny place than usual. Kind of funk where you can keep doing the normal routine, there's just a dark cloud over my heart. I am hoping to practice some gratitude daily to help to ease that weight a bit.

1. Grateful for outdoor showers. One of my favorite things of all time!
2. Grateful when my best friend reaches out a hand out to hold mine when we walk. 
3. Grateful to have a home to call my own and slowly make my sanctuary. 


Time to remember the world is bigger than my thundercloud. Have to practice. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday back on the ol' wagon

15m 30/30 elliptical fuel workout (147cal)

5 sets
10 burpees
10 sit-ups
20 jumping jacks


Ready to have a great day! 😁#alittlebitbetter 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I've been gone too long...aka bought a house and haven't postedanything!!!

Starting simple with some food pics. Will post some other fun ones soon. Hope you're doing #alittlebitbetter xo

Exploring Fat Cat in Quincy, MA. That is a seriously big burger! It was pretty good, but the BBQ Pulled Pork nachos were the star of the show. 

Pesto chicken with avocado, asparagus and sundried tomato risotto

Scrambled eggs with cherry tomato, asparagus, leeks and a touch of cream cheese

Homemade turkey burgers with sirracha

SUPERBOWL! We were cauchon dengue. Taco dip (8 layer), homemade guacamole, queso dip. So bad!!!!!!