Monday, January 12, 2015

"Zoodles" and chicken sausage

Asparagus, portobello mushrooms, onions, garlic, sugar-free sauce, chicken sausage and zucchini "noodles"

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Smoky chipotle roasted cauliflower. Asparagus and mushrooms. Sautéed lemon chicken. 

Down 3# this week (hurrah)! Egg "muffins" in the morning, salad with some protein and o/v for lunch. 

Not snacking when everyone else in the office is...toughest part. Passed up cookies, chocolate, Chinese food, onion rings, cheese, etc etc ...just today. So funny - I think I want them more because I said I wasn't going to eat them! I don't even love those things. 

Doing well! Cheat night tomorrow. Excellent. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Roasted cauliflower and blackened tilapia

Mixed cauliflower with avocado oil, garlic, s&p, lemon juice and roasted at 425 deg for 25 min (turning twice). 

Tilapia with s&p and sautéed for about 4min per side. Blackened by accident ;)

Gosh it has felt great the last few days to get back to cooking again! I feel fantastic (though a bit hungry in the mid-morning). 

Nice to get back to interesting up a storm for easy ideas. Nice too to not have to wait for the delivery guy to get here ;)

Here's to a happier and healthier and back to my old-self 2015!!! And to you, my friends - all the best! Xoxo

Monday, January 5, 2015

Roasted broccoli with bacon

Roasted broccoli with bacon, portobello mushrooms and onions (35min) 

Roasted chicken breast (25min)

Oven at 400 degrees

Day three back on the wagon. Egg cup for breakfast, no snacking today, lots of water and salad without gluten, sugar or dairy this afternoon. Staaaaarving by noon. More water? Tea tomorrow?

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Bacon egg breakfast bite

350 degrees for 25 min. 
Eggs, splash 1/2&1/2, salt pepper
Mix of sage sausage, onions, mushrooms, roasted red peppers and asparagus

Tin lined with bacon
Add egg mixture to 3/4 full
Add spoonful off meat/veg mixture


Portobello mushroom pizza with asparagus!

Bison stuffed peppers with asparagus

Friday, September 12, 2014


Gratitude. It's hard to feel so sad when I remember how big the world and the universe are. I will try to think bigger thoughts...

1. Grateful for a rewarding and challenging career with fabulous clients and coworkers (and travel perks)

2. Grateful for a generally positive outlook and knowing that it is statistically unlikely that I will actually keel over from heartbreak. 

3. Grateful to have experienced deep and meaningful and completely transformative love in my life, even if it was fleeting. Some people live their whole lives without getting to love like that, and I will not regret a day of it. 

I will work on my grace, my gratitude and acting while in dis-ease, in a fashion I will respect later. As much as I can too, I will love and forgive myself and try to be empathetic to this general malaise and yuckyness that is here right now. 

I will try my best.