Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Perfection

I want to write about yesterday as a way to remember how lovely and perfect it really was. Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. 

I woke up for the first time in a space that I now own. Our mattress on the floor of an empty room with painting tape still hanging from the ceiling, a sheet hanging over one window and boards from our bed frame blocking the other. A cat sleeping by my head happily purring, my love sleeping soundly next to me. Cool in the house with a big puffy comforter to keep us warm. And quiet. Quiet outside that thanksgiving morning with the exception of the purring and deep breaths of sleep. It was incredible. 

We layed in bed for hours. Looking up articles about stores that might be open on thanksgiving, checking email, reading silly things - just taking and laughing with no real place to go. 

Eventually our growling stomachs motivated us to come out. Our space is a disaster of boxes and furniture in the wrong room and chaos and on this, our first morning, it makes me so happy. We drive to find food and discover a Vietnamese grocery store that is somehow open despite the blue laws as explore the store with fantastic fruits and fish and smells and items we cannot yet identify but talk about trying anyway. We buy some supplies - a few new things like a pomelo and a cousin of baby bok Choy and head back to the car excited to come back there again soon. 

Off again to find a restaurant to feed us soon. Wandering down to Newbury street towards the heart of the city we found Joes and scored M a thanksgiving plate (I no longer have even a stitch of guilt now about our food for the holiday - we both had bites of turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and peas so voila we have fulfilled our all American tradition) and I noshed on gluten free chicken picatta with a blue cheese stuffed olive martini and we laughed. We had filthy moving clothes on, packed in with out of town guests in their finest and locals looking for some place to go and we enjoyed each other's company with a sense of freedom of time and no place needed to go that we haven't felt in weeks. It was lovely. 

We finally made our way back to our new neighborhood and eventually into the basement to clean out the junk left from the sellers and their old dirt. Our new upstairs neighbor came down for a bit and said hello and gave us some gossip while we cleaned. Once we had made a great dent for the evening we went back upstairs, I quit lying to myself that I was going to unpack enough boxes to find cooking implements to make us a first homemade dinner and called for mediocre Chinese food at 930pm. 

We sat on our little love seat (couch doesnt fit through the door to get into the living room) and watched biutiful (great movie but really heavy and dark) and ate junky Chinese food and sipped water from solo cups and I broke down and cried with joy. 

We bought the wrong size shower curtain so I cleaned the bathtub, having seen no clean water in two days it couldn't go on any longer, and we both giggled as we sprinted past our curtainless windows to the big bathtub and squeezed ourselves in together. With finally clean hair and warm hearts we climbed into bed with a furry purring cat and a warm puffy comforter. 

Yesterday was just perfect and I was/am filled with such appreciation and gratitude that I saw the perfection while in the moment and remembered to stop and savor it. I hope I never forget the simplicity of the magic that filled my heart and mind by just appreciating all of the little things. 

So grateful. Wishing everyone joy and peace and love. Hoping we can all always remember to look for it in the simplest of places. 


Wednesday, November 6, 2013


15MMA warmup on elliptical
3x10 hip abductors and adductor
60 sec plank
120 sec plank mix up
3 x 400m run with 1 min in between 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Row row row...

17 minute MMA setting warmup on elliptical

1 round
Partner effort, one rows while the other rests, switch until all rounds are done
Row 50-40-30-20-10 calories 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Ab-Fab Friday

16 min warmup

15 back extensions
